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Evening Nature Foray along Camp 70 Road

Meet at the Davis Shop n’ Save parking lot at 7 pm

Leader: Aaron Graham

Join Friends of Blackwater for the second rendition of this trip as we plan to go out and look for a variety of birds and other fauna along Camp 70 Road as dusk approaches. While out there we will be able to see the natural transitions as a variety of local breeding birds such as Hermit Thrushes, Chestnut-sided Warblers, and Canada Warblers sing their last songs of the day and nocturnal species such as American Woodcock, Common Nighthawk, and Eastern Whip-poor-will become active for the night. We plan to park at a location or two along the road and walk short distances while hopefully taking in a tranquil mid-summer sunset. Wear appropriate for hiking short distances along the gravel road on Camp 70. Will attempt to carpool as much as possible from Shop n’ Save since we will be going a short distance.

July 14

Nature Walk with Blackwater Falls State Park

July 20

Butterflies and the History of Kempton