Blackwater State of the River Report II

Updating the report.

Friends of Blackwater received a grant from the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection to update the Blackwater State of the River Report from 2011. In addition to updating the physical report, we also produced a video series to go along with it; highlighting the main aspects. Check them out below!

The watershed as a whole.

Many people have heard of Blackwater Falls, and the Blackwater Canyon section of the Blackwater River that follows the Falls. But many people are not familiar with the Blackwater River watershed as whole -- where the River originates, and where it flows and ends up.

Indicators of healthy water.

The Blackwater Canyon that creates many microhabitats (a habitat that has a limited extent and that is different from the surrounding, extensive habitat). One type of animal has evolved to occupy many of these varying microhabitats: salamanders.

What to do for fun.

There are many opportunities for adventure in the Blackwater River Watershed.

Blood-thirsty plants.

Slightly upstream from Big Run Falls is a magical place full of alien-like plants with rare creatures abound.

How we sample water.

A huge part of Friends of Blackwater’s duties is water monitoring. Come join us in the field!

Processing those samples.

Before we can send our water samples to the lab, we have to prepare them. See how.

Sending them off.

Be sure to check out part two to get an idea for the entire water monitoring process!

Waterfalls left and right.

The Blackwater River Watershed is full of waterfalls due to the geology of the canyon. Check them out!